6502 Assembly Corner
Assembly Language is almost the most basic way to program there is. Where more modern 'high level' languages to varying degrees abstract, assembly is more or less the most basic way that you can interact with a computer: manipulating and storing numbers in its memory addresses.The assembly I'm familiar with is 6502 Assembly, used to program the 6502 8-bit microprocessor, which ran things like the Commodore 64 and the Nintendo Entertainment System.
The NES is pretty well documented at this point and its not too hard to get something very basic up and running. My plan is to talk through my progress here, at least as far as the basics go. There's also a link to the git page if you want to see where it's up to and/or play it. This is also very much for my benefit when I inevitably forget all of this! I don't intend to make this a comprehensive followable guide.
github NES project
Pictured: Progress!